Teacher Certifications

Montessori Early Childhood Education Teacher Certification Programs

ECE Teacher Certification Program (150 Hours)

  • 150 hours, asynchronous, available now.
  • This includes a complete Montessori Research and Development teaching manual, articles from well-respected authors, helpful video content, and a copy of “The Fully Alive Child” by Jamie Watts.
  • Fees: Portfolio Review $250.00, Materials $400.00, Tuition $500.00 per 50-hour module.

Upon enrollment, you will receive access to Canvas’s online resources and assignments, a complete set of instructional manuals from Montessori Research and Development, and a copy of “The Fully-Alive Child” by Jamie Watts. This program takes 150 hours, including three 50-hour modules – theory, observations, and materials. It may be completed in as many as twelve months.

Total cost: $2,150.00 + shipping (Payment plan option is available at checkout)

ECE Assistant Teacher Certification (50 Hours)

  • 50 hours, asynchronous, available now.
  • This course is the “Theory” module from the ECE Teacher Certification Course. Completing this module counts towards that certification. It also includes a module on Montessori Practical Life lessons and theory.
  • This includes articles from well-respected authors, helpful video content, and a copy of “The Fully Alive Child” by Jamie Watts.
  • Fees: Portfolio Review $250.00 and Tuition $500.00 per 50-hour module.

Upon enrollment, you will receive access to the online resources and assignments on Canvas, a copy of the “Practical Life” manual from Montessori Research and Development, and a copy of “The Fully-Alive Child” by Jamie Watts. This program takes 50 hours to complete. Those who complete this program will not have to take the “Theory” module if they choose to take the Teacher Certification course later. It may be completed in as many as twelve months.

Total cost: $750.00 + shipping

ECE Master Teacher Certification (50 Hours)

  • 50 hours, asynchronous, available now.
  • Candidates must be Montessori certified and hold a bachelor’s degree.
  • This course is a prerequisite for obtaining a teaching position with MS of E.
  • This includes copies of “The Absorbent Mind” by Dr. Maria Montessori, “The Tao of Montessori” by Catherine McTamaney, and “The Fully Alive Child” by Jamie Watts.
  • Fees: Portfolio Review $250.00, Materials $50.00 and Tuition $500.00 per 50-hour module.

Upon enrollment, you will receive access to the online resources and assignments on Canvas and a copy of “The Absorbent Mind” by Dr. Maria Montessori and “The Tao of Montessori” by Catherine McTamaney. The writing assignments for this course are primarily reflective, encouraging you to deepen your understanding of Montessori philosophy and methodology. It may be completed in as many as twelve months. Candidates who complete this course may use the post-nominal letters “MMT,” i.e., Jane Doe, MMT.

Total cost: $800.00 + shipping

Elementary Education Teacher Certification Programs

Elementary Teacher Certification (150 Hours)

  • 150 hours, asynchronous, available now.
  • Candidates must hold a bachelor’s degree.
  • This includes a complete set of teaching manuals from Montessori Research, articles from well-respected authors, helpful video content, and Development and copies of “Children of the Universe” by Michael and D’Neil Duffy, “Children Who Are Not Yet Peaceful” by Donna Bryant Goertz, and “The Fully Alive Child” by Jamie Watts.
  • Fees: Portfolio Review $250.00, Materials $1,000.00 and Tuition $750.00 per 75-hour module.

Upon enrollment, you will receive access to the online resources and assignments on Canvas, a full set of instructional manuals from Montessori Research and Development, and copies of “Children of the Universe” by Michael and D’Neil Duffy, “Children Who Are Not Yet Peaceful” by Donna Bryant Goertz, and “The Fully-Alive Child” by Jamie Watts. This program takes 150 hours, including two 75-hour modules – theory and curriculum. It may be completed in as many as twelve months.

Total cost $2,750.00 + shipping (Payment plan option is available at checkout)

Elementary Assistant Teacher Certification (75 Hours)

  • 75 hours, asynchronous, available now.
  • This course is the “Theory” module from the Elementary Teacher Certification Course. Completing this module counts towards that certification.
  • This includes articles from well-respected authors, helpful video content, and copies of “Children Who Are Not Yet Peaceful” by Donna Bryant Goertz and “The Fully Alive Child” by Jamie Watts.
  • Fees: Portfolio Review $250.00, Materials $50.00 and Tuition $750.00 per 75-hour module.

Upon enrollment, you will receive access to the online resources and assignments on Canvas and copies of “Children Who Are Not Yet Peaceful” by Donna Bryant Goertz and “The Fully-Alive Child” by Jamie Watts. This program takes 75 hours to complete. Those who complete this program will not have to take the “Theory” module if they choose to take the Teacher Certification course later. It may be completed in as many as twelve months.

Total cost: $1,050.00 + shipping

Elementary Master Teacher Certification (50 Hours)

  • 50 hours, asynchronous, available now.
  • Candidates must be Montessori certified and hold a bachelor’s degree.
  • This course is a prerequisite for obtaining a teaching position with MS of E.
  • This includes copies of “The Advanced Montessori Method, Vol. I” by Dr. Maria Montessori, “Children Who Are Not Yet Peaceful” by Donna Bryant Goertz, and “The Fully Alive Child” by Jamie Watts.
  • Fees: Portfolio Review $250.00, Materials $50.00 and Tuition $500.00 per 50-hour module.

During this course, you will study “The Advanced Montessori Method, Vol. I” by Dr. Maria Montessori, “Children Who Are Not Yet Peaceful” by Donna Bryant Goertz, and various scholarly articles. The writing assignments for this course are primarily reflective, encouraging you to deepen your understanding of Montessori philosophy and methodology. It may be completed in as many as twelve months. Candidates who complete this course may use the post-nominal letters “MMT,” i.e., Jane Doe, MMT.

Total cost: $800.00 + shipping

Additional Continued Education