Elementary Master Teacher Certification
50 Hours – $800 + Shipping
This program is designed for seasoned Montessori teachers looking to deepen their knowledge and practice. Elementary Master Teacher candidates must hold a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited postsecondary institution, college, or university and Montessori teacher certification. This graduate-level program is perfect for teachers looking to take on greater roles at their school, offer online classes, create lesson materials, participate in seminars or symposiums, etc. Certain Master’s Degree programs may offer prior learning credit for completing this course. However, this varies from institution to institution.
During this course, you will study “The Advanced Montessori Method, Vol. I” by Dr. Maria Montessori, “Children Who Are Not Yet Peaceful” by Donna Bryant Goertz, and various scholarly articles. The writing assignments for this course are primarily reflective, encouraging you to deepen your understanding of Montessori philosophy and methodology. It may be completed in as many as twelve months. Candidates who complete this course may use the post-nominal letters “MMT,” i.e., Jane Doe, MMT.